Wizzard Player

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Our new player and our new server!

Ok, first thing you'll notice on here is that we have a new podcast player setup. The last player we had up worked fine, but it was something that was available on our old server and since we've been moved to Libsyn they offer all sorts of great features for us, but alas no player. I've rigged up a project playlist player on the top of our page here and it should work like a charm after I've fed it our direct links. Please let me know if you find it not working at any point.

You should also notice that your iTunes is now letting you download Episode #4, well once again that has to do with our transition to the new hosting server. The only snag we seemed to have run into is that with this new server instead of a standard storage size you get a certain size allotted per month. For example, we have 250mb of storage per month and after the month is up the files are archived and we get another 250mb to upload for that month. Well, with the recent move we've hit our allotment and won't be able to upload for a couple of weeks at least.

This is probably a good thing as I still need to edit episode #5 and Joel is off in the U.K. bringing the "Orange Crush" overseas. We'll probably do a special mini-cast to promote the upcoming VHS Classics segment so be on the look out for that.

Ok, I think that about does it. Hopefully we don't hit anymore snags and the next post will be to announce the date for the watch party of Troll 2.


Monday, April 27, 2009

Movin' On Up!

Well, it's going to be awhile before we upload Episode #5 as we are in the process of moving servers. This is all being done by our current server Switchpod to bring us over to this other site Libsyn. I just heard back from Libsyn and they told us it could be another week before we get up and running on the new server. It's a little frustrating, but this should be a better deal for us in the long run as we'll be able to store all our episodes without too much extra cost.

Thanks for all the feedback we've received and our next episode will be our late edition of the Best of 2008 movies and music. We'll also be hosting our first installment of our "VHS Classics" in the next couple of weeks. For those who live nearby you'll have the chance of watching it right along with us an contributing to the cast we'll record following the movie. Our first movie in what hopes to be a monthly spot will be Troll 2, which will be shown on VHS.

So, if all goes according to plan be on the lookout for Episode #5 on the first week of May and our VHS Classics movie Troll 2 to go online hopefully on the week of the 18th.

Thanks again for all the support!

Ok, we've been fully switched over to the new server, but we lost our podcast player that was on our blog page in the process. I'm trying to figure out now how to rig something else up.


Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Episode #4: The Three Amigos

Our server is moving us so I hope everyone downloads this without any problems. iTunes seems to have some trouble finding the new episode so you might have to grab it off the RSS feed or direct from our blog.

Chris and Joel are joined by Derek calling in and hilarity ensues....well...sort of. Topics include Chuck E. Cheese, The Wayne's World Saga, Our new segment VHS Classics, Gremlins 2, and a prostitute sting.

We recorded this one and what will soon be episode 5 in one sitting so be on the look out for that one as well. Episode 5 is a best of 2008 special.....yeah, I know it's April.


Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Episode #3: Derek's Midnight Special (Two Part Cast)

This episode brings a lot of firsts for us. It's the first cast without Joel, it's the first two-part cast we've done, and it's the first cast that is uncensored. It's our first explicit cast as Chris and Derek let loose a few expletives when discussing the crimes of George Lucas and the disappointing U2 album. However, don't let a few swear words stand between you and a cast of epic proportions. We decided to split up the hour and a half run time into two separate casts. Other topics discussed include Depeche Mode, Star Trek, Derek's future on the show, and a possible new segment.

Lots of big things to come as we head into the summer time and hopefully we can announce them soon.

Joel will be back for the next cast so stay tuned kids!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

We've given in to the temptation

We really didn't want to put up a myspace, but alas the temptation was too great. Please join us in our fall from grace

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Episode #2: 3 Days of the Condorks

Episode #2 is now available for download on the RSS feed and through iTunes. You should be able to see the episode links on the right side of this page as well. I'm up way past my bedtime to make sure you kids had something awesome when you wake up on Thursday. Be excellent to each other and be on the look out for special episode sometime this weekend.

Just in case the episode link on the right side of the page doesn't work. Please let me know if you encounter problems downloading.

We have an embedded player installed on the right side of the page for instant listening.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Time Waits For No Man....Not Even Joel.

There will not be a new cast this week as Joel is on vacation. There should a new one recorded Easter weekend, but Joel will be out of town with family so we're hoping to have a friend of ours step in as special guests. We've tracked a fair amount of downloads for the first episode so thanks to everyone who've been giving us a chance. Make sure and subscribe to either the RSS feed or on iTunes for new episodes. Also, if you're enjoying the show (or not) leaving us a review on our iTunes page would be appreciated. We've got some great topics for shows lined up so stay tuned.


Of course not even an hour after I post Joel calls me at work and tells me he'll have free time on Tuesday before his shift to record a cast so I'll try and get that edited and posted by the middle of this week. So it'll be a little late but you will see a new cast before Easter. Good things happen to those who wait I suppose.